<English version>
What is this error? :
If you are receiving an error similar to "Domain example.com has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (5/5 (100%)) allowed" in an email bounceback, it means that outgoing email from your domain has triggered a rule in the server that will stop any further email from going out of the server. This happens when a domain account sends out emails that either fail or get deferred by the recipients mail server. Failures can come in the form of an unknown user to too many connections from your IP. If the number of failures or defers are greater than the server limit, no further mails are allowed.
How can I fix this? :
This error is derived from an hourly monitoring system, where any blocked domains are allowed to send email again at the top of every hour. For example, if you received this error at 2:45pm, the block will release at 3:45pm and the domain will be able to send emails out once more.
Determining the precise cause of this error :
If you're not sure exactly what is causing this, you can probably figure it out by using the 'Track Delivery' icon in your hosting control panel (CPanel). When you click the Trick Delivery icon, you'll see a field where you can enter a recipient's email address and then click a "Run Report" button to get information about email sent to that recipient. If you enter nothing for the recipient email address, you'll get back data for all email traffic, and as you look through it you should see groups of bounced messages which can help you determine what sender caused the problem, and why.
(Versi B. Melayu)
Apakah maksud error ini? :
Jika anda terima bounced email yang mengatakan "Domain example.com has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (5/5 (100%)) allowed" , ia bermaksud, banyak email yang anda hantar (dalam 1 jam yang lepas), yang telah gagal dihantar (failure/bounced) kepada penerima. Jika email yang bounced melebihi dari had yang ditetapkan (iaitu 5 email bounced dari 5 email yang dihantar, dalam masa sejam), maka, semua aktiviti email out anda akan disekat selama 1 jam, secara otomatik. Peraturan ini dibuat, untuk mengelakkan scammer/spammer dari menghantar bulk email tanpa sah (tanpa kebenaran dari penerima), dan juga hacker yang berjaya exploit website klien untuk menghantar email spam mereka dari background (belakang tabir), tanpa dikesan oleh klien.
Mengapa email saya gagal dihantar? :
Biasanya, ia disebabkan oleh ejaan alamat emel penerima yang anda masukkan itu tidak betul (atau tersalah eja), atau, server email penerima telah block/ban email anda. Kegagalan juga boleh terjadi jika terlalu banyak connection dari IP internet anda (yang menyerupai seolah2 aktiviti hacker).
Apa perlu saya buat sekarang ? :
Selepas anda melanggar peraturan tersebut, server akan suspend aktiviti 'email out' anda selama 1 jam. Selepas suspension tersebut berakhir (1 jam kemudian), anda sepatutnya boleh menghantar email out seperti biasa. (Contoh, jika email out anda disekat pada 2:45 petang, maka, pada 3:45 petang, sekatan tersebut akan berakhir). Jadi, anda tidak perlu buat apa-apa. Hanya tunggu tempoh suspension berakhir sahaja.
Bagaimana saya boleh check, apa penyebab email out saya gagal ? :
Sekiranya anda tidak pasti, apa punca sebenar email anda bounced, anda boleh sahaja login ke cPanel --> dan tekan 'Track Delivery'. Di situ, anda akan dapat lihat semua email delivery report (seperti: email mana yang gagal, dan apa punca ia gagal).